Hi, Okay, I'll let myself sucked in this (in my opinion unnecessarily) heated thread **for one post only**.
While I wouldn't call the proposed methods hacks, I more or less share Paolo's dissatisfaction with the current way footers are made customizable. What if I wanted to write a stylesheet to place page numbers at the bottom, and another to print them in an italic font? These stylesheets will not combine, because they will both redefine {even,odd}{Header,Footer}Markup for their own purposes. I have a vague but persistent dream that someday page layout would become handled through grobs and contexts like what we have for each individual score. Imagine these stylesheets could be written as %% Stylesheet 1 \layout { \context { \Book \override PageNumber.direction = #DOWN } } %% Stylesheet 2 \layout { \context { \Book \override PageNumber.font-shape = #'italic } } %% Main file \new Book { \new BookPart \with { \omit PageNumber } { \markup ... } \new BookPart { \new Score { ... } } } Regards, Jean