On Saturday, December 18, 2021, Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:

> On 2021-12-17 4:28 pm, Paolo Prete wrote:
>> The example Aaron showed already added *logic* to the template [...]
> To be fair, all I showed was the default setting for oddFooterMarkup from
> titling-init.ly.  Nothing added; that is simply how LilyPond works out of
> the box.
Hello Aaron, this is not what I meant with "added logic to the template". I
just noted that you used some logic for defining a spefic behavior of the
basic template. And this is what I would like to avoid, unless I wrap it.
Therefore, when you write:

>  Your original query was about placing something at the bottom of a page,
> and the response you have received is to leverage oddFooterMarkup as the
> most direct and minimally disruptive method.

... This is not right. My original query was not simply "how to place
something at the bottom of the page". I explicitily added a constraint:
"without using the footer markup". For the reasons I explained later. I
prefer to set properties of a class/structure which hides details for this
kind of stuff, instead of adding/exposing customizations/logic. This is how
I proceed, when programming. From what I see, your approach is a low-level
approach, therefore it should be wrapped (so to shorten the code and
improve the readibility). But wrapping has some other disadvantages, as I
explained later. Then I concluded that, in my general case, the best thing
is to use multiple tools (which has disadvantages too, of course, but I
consider it a better compromise)


> -- Aaron Hill

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