On 30/10/2021 08:42, Pablo Cordal wrote:
Until now, I use WMP to play the midi compiled in lilypond. I have
coolsoft virtualmidisynth installed with a sf2 of my taste and no
problem, everything works fine.
The problem: WMP blocks the midi file while (and after) it's playing, so
if I modify something in lilypond and I want to hear it, I have to close
WMP, then compile, go to the folder and reproduce again.. and I'm
composing so I do it a LOT of times.
Except that's NOT the problem. The problem is that WINDOWS locks the
file against writing if anything else has it open. You need to get WMP
to drop the file.
I have exactly the same problem with Acrobat Reader - if I'm viewing a
score I can't run lilypond until I close Acrobat, otherwise it just
fails on me because it can't overwrite the pdf.
Question: anybody knows a mid player with does not block the file, so it
loads the file each time for playing it?
Switch to linux? Because linux doesn't tie the file name to the file, it
can delete the old file without messing up any program that's got the
file open, and create a new file with the same name. Many programs will
then recognise the file has changed underneath it and re-read it.
But basically, if you're using Windows, you're stuffed. Sorry.