Hola Pablo,

I assume you don't use Frescobaldi. For playing back midis I use that (even 
though I don't compose there). In all my composing projects I have a midi.ly 
file with a score block that only produces midi (only a midi block with no 
layout block), and uses also the articulate script. You just need to have 
include files for everything you do and recompile the midi.ly file in 
Frescobaldi everytime you want to hear the changes (and this recompilation 
takes a matter of miliseconds!).   

The midi.ly file can look   as simple as
\include "articulate.ly"
\score {
\new StaffGroup
\unfoldRepeats \articulate  <<
\include "staff1.ily"
\include "staff2.ily
\midi {}

I hope it helps!

  www.martinrinconbotero.com (http://www.martinrinconbotero.com)     

> On Oct 30, 2021 at 9:40 AM,  <Pablo Cordal (mailto:pablocor...@gmail.com)>  
> wrote:
> Hi,  
> Until now, I use WMP to play the midi compiled in lilypond. I have coolsoft 
> virtualmidisynth installed with a sf2 of my taste and no problem, everything 
> works fine.
> The problem: WMP blocks the midi file while (and after) it's playing, so if I 
> modify something in lilypond and I want to hear it, I have to close WMP, then 
> compile, go to the folder and reproduce again.. and I'm composing so I do it 
> a LOT of times.
> Question: anybody knows a mid player   with does not block the file, so it 
> loads the file each time for playing it?
> Best regards,
> Pablo

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