One perhaps quick alternative is to use CoolSoft Virtual Midi midi2mp3
convertor. Then you're simply playing an mp3 file, not a midi file.

Another is to use VLC. It can 'play' midi after you configure it for a
sound font (this is what I do).


On Sat, Oct 30, 2021, 2:39 AM Pablo Cordal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Until now, I use WMP to play the midi compiled in lilypond. I have
> coolsoft virtualmidisynth installed with a sf2 of my taste and no problem,
> everything works fine.
> The problem: WMP blocks the midi file while (and after) it's playing, so
> if I modify something in lilypond and I want to hear it, I have to close
> WMP, then compile, go to the folder and reproduce again.. and I'm composing
> so I do it a LOT of times.
> Question: anybody knows a mid player with does not block the file, so it
> loads the file each time for playing it?
> Best regards,
> Pablo

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