Hi Jacques,

Am 26.09.21 um 18:29 schrieb Jacques Menu:
Hello Mahanidhi,

A trick for breaks: I use \myBreak and \myPageBreak, defined this way:

% Pick your choice from the next two lines as needed
%myBreak = { \break }
myBreak = {}

% Pick your choice from the next two lines as needed
%myPageBreak = { \break }
myPageBreak = {}

That makes it easy to first check the Lily file for correctness with forced breaks, and later to let Lily do the breaking on its own.

That's great for transcribing a manuscript, yes. (One might also remove the \myBreaks using search and replace at a later point in time.)

But: I guess you want

%myPageBreak = { \pageBreak }



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