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Am 26.09.21 um 16:58 schrieb Mahanidhi:
it works thank you!
Are you so kind to tell me how to insert the linebreaks?
I think it's worthwhile to re-organise your score a bit.
1) For unmetered music, you might use \cadenzaOn. This has two drawbacks:
a) Automatic beaming gets switched off (so I had to add manual beams [ ]
at one place)
b) No automatic bar lines where LilyPond is willing to add line breaks.
It's possible to add invisible bar changes (\bar "") at select places,
but it's even easier to set barAlways = ##t. This makes LilyPond add
default (and in your case, invisible "") bar lines after each note.
2) It's usually better to input your music semantically, not visually.
So, use \repeat volta 2 { ... } for repeated sections instead of
manually forcing repeat bar lines by \bar ":|." etc. (I assume you made
a mistake in your fifth line where you put :| ... :|, so I turned it
into |: ... :|).
If you do not insist on the exact places for you line breaks, you can
remove all \break's I inserted and let LilyPond decide where to break.
Notice that in my solution LilyPond creates (probably unwelcome) single
bar lines at line breaks after which a \repeat volta 2 { ... } starts.
This is because \repeat volta ... is usually used at bar lines; it
shouldn't be hard to remove this flaw, but unfortunately I've run out of
time by now. But maybe this gives you a good starting point.
\version "2.22.1"
\language english
\header {
title = "TEST"
composer = "27 August, 1967"
subtitle = "AUTHOR"
\paper {
top-margin = 10
right-margin = 10
left-margin = 10
\layout {
\omit Timing.TimeSignature
\set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
\set Timing.barAlways = ##t
\relative c'
\key df \major
\repeat volta 2 {
df ef f2 ef4 f gf2 f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2.
f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.
ef4 c8[ df] ef2 ef4 gf2 gf4 g2.
\repeat volta 2 {
ef4 bf'2 bf4 af2 af4 df2 df4 df c ef df2.
df,4 ef f2 ef4 f gf2 f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2.
f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.
\repeat volta 2 {
af4 df2.df4 df df ef2 df4c2.
bf4 af2 bf4 df2 c4 af gf2.
\repeat volta 2 {
af4 df2.df4 f2 ef4 bf4 c ef df2
\repeat volta 2 {
df,4 ef2 f4 gf2 af4 bf2 c4 df2.
} df,4 ef f2 ef4 f gf2
f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2. f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.\bar "|."