Hello Mahanidhi,

A trick for breaks: I use \myBreak and \myPageBreak, defined this way:

% Pick your choice from the next two lines as needed
%myBreak = { \break }
myBreak = {}

% Pick your choice from the next two lines as needed
%myPageBreak = { \break }
myPageBreak = {}

That makes it easy to first check the Lily file for correctness with forced 
breaks, and later to let Lily do the breaking on its own.


> Le 26 sept. 2021 à 17:57, Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> Hi,
> (Please keep your answers on-list so everybody can chime in and/or benefit 
> from the answers.)
> Am 26.09.21 um 16:58 schrieb Mahanidhi:
>> it works thank you!
>> Are you so kind to tell me how to insert the linebreaks?
> I think it's worthwhile to re-organise your score a bit.
> 1) For unmetered music, you might use \cadenzaOn. This has two drawbacks:
> a) Automatic beaming gets switched off (so I had to add manual beams [ ] at 
> one place)
> b) No automatic bar lines where LilyPond is willing to add line breaks. It's 
> possible to add invisible bar changes (\bar "") at select places, but it's 
> even easier to set barAlways = ##t. This makes LilyPond add default (and in 
> your case, invisible "") bar lines after each note.
> 2) It's usually better to input your music semantically, not visually. So, 
> use \repeat volta 2 { ... } for repeated sections instead of manually forcing 
> repeat bar lines by \bar ":|." etc. (I assume you made a mistake in your 
> fifth line where you put :| ... :|, so I turned it into |: ... :|).
> If you do not insist on the exact places for you line breaks, you can remove 
> all \break's I inserted and let LilyPond decide where to break.
> Notice that in my solution LilyPond creates (probably unwelcome) single bar 
> lines at line breaks after which a \repeat volta 2 { ... } starts. This is 
> because \repeat volta ... is usually used at bar lines; it shouldn't be hard 
> to remove this flaw, but unfortunately I've run out of time by now. But maybe 
> this gives you a good starting point.
> Lukas
> %%
> \version "2.22.1"
> \language english
> \header {
>   title = "TEST"
>   composer = "27 August, 1967"
>   subtitle = "AUTHOR"
> }
> \paper {
>   top-margin = 10
>   right-margin = 10
>   left-margin = 10
> }
> \layout {
>   \omit Timing.TimeSignature
>   \set Timing.defaultBarType = ""
>   \set Timing.barAlways = ##t
>   \cadenzaOn
> }
> \relative c'
> {
>   \key df \major
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     df ef f2 ef4 f gf2 f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2.
>     \break
>     f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.
>   }
>   ef4 c8[ df] ef2 ef4 gf2 gf4 g2.
>   \break
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     ef4 bf'2 bf4 af2 af4 df2 df4 df c ef df2.
>   }
>   \break
>   df,4 ef f2 ef4 f gf2 f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2.
>   \break
>   f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     af4 df2.df4 df df ef2 df4c2.
>   }
>   \break
>   bf4 af2 bf4 df2 c4 af gf2.
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     af4 df2.df4 f2 ef4 bf4 c ef df2
>   }
>   \break
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     df,4 ef2 f4 gf2 af4 bf2 c4 df2.
>   } df,4 ef f2 ef4 f gf2
>   \break
>   f4 gf af2 gf4 c bf af gf2. f4 bf2 af4 gf2 f4 ef gf f2.\bar "|."
> }
> %%

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