Hello Ming,

just to be sure, you need to replace each \ with \\, not just the first one. 
You want #"c:\\User\\yming 
in total.

02.09.2021 19:40:36 ming tsang <ming.tsan...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Valentin & David,
> I just tried with \\U and error persists
> Shalom,
> Ming.
>  [cid:ii_kt37qzmo0###466x265:false###][image.png]
> On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 1:04 PM Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
>> Hello Ming,
>> David has correctly identified the problem. The Lilypond parser escapes 
>> guile string literals, so #"c:\U..." fails as \U is no escape sequence. So 
>> you need to escape each \ by writing \\ instead. As David has said, Lilypond 
>> might very well handle / instead of \.
>> Cheers,
>> Valentin
>> 02.09.2021 14:50:52 ming tsang <ming.tsan...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Valentin Petzel:
>>> Here is the file. I open the lily.scm with  miscrosoft notepad and save as. 
>>> Thank you very much Valentin and David for your patience and helpful hands. 
>>> Very much appreciated.
>>> Shalom,
>>> Ming.
>>> On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 7:37 AM Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
>>>> Okay, the guile version looks fine. I'll try to look into this, can you 
>>>> please append the file
>>>> C:/LilyPond_2-23-3/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily/lily.scm[http://2]
>>>> just to be sure?
>>>> 02.09.2021 13:07:42 ming tsang <ming.tsan...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi David Wright and Valentin Petzel:
>>>>> Thank you both for helping.
>>>>> I did a (#display version) + move the eps file to a directory does not 
>>>>> contain space on the names.
>>>>> Here is the screen capture from frecobaldi v2.3.3.
>>>>> Shalom,
>>>>> Ming
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 8:36 PM David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> …
>>>>>> …
>>>>> --
>>>>> ming (lyndon) tsang
>>> --
>>> ming (lyndon) tsang
> --
> ming (lyndon) tsang

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