Hello Ming!

Just put the name of the file either as absolute path or as relative path to 
your lilypond file instead of context-example.eps.

The sytax for \epsfile is
\epsfile axis size path
Where axis is the axis for scaling, size is the size of the end result along 
this axis and path is the path to the file.


Am Mittwoch, 1. September 2021, 22:17:13 CEST schrieb ming tsang:
> Dear lilyponders,
> How can I specify the eps file that will be recognized by the \markup - re
> below lilypond code? The eps file is in my computer folder.
> Shalom,
> Ming
> \markup {
>   \general-align #Y #DOWN {
>     \epsfile #X #20 #"context-example.eps"
>     \epsfile #Y #20 #"context-example.eps"
>   }
> ,

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