Hello Paul. That does not matter. Lilipond will always assume factor 1 to be 
staffsize 20.
So when using staffsize 22 you need to use factor 22/20. Please try it out at 
least instead of immediately arguing against it.


22.08.2021 18:42:07 Paul Hodges <p...@cassland.org>:

> On 22/08/2021 17:20:54, "Thomas Morley" <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Use
>> "Times New Roman,"
>> Note the trailing comma (see NR for the issue).
> Sadly this has no discernible effect.
> I may try to get away with only changing the font in the title fields,
> using markup, which would be no bother.
> Paul
> PS:
> On 22/08/2021 15:32:23, "Valentin Petzel" <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
>> the default staff-size is 20, not 22, so you need to divide by 20.
> My global-staff-size is 22 (to match another piece, and for printing on
> larger JIS B4 paper)

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