Hello Paul,

the default staff-size is 20, not 22, so you need to divide by 20.


22.08.2021 15:53:57 Paul Hodges <p...@cassland.org>:

> I have been asked to change my serif font to Times New Roman.  I have
> done this, using:
>    #(define fonts
>      (set-global-fonts
>       #:roman "Times New Roman"
>       #:factor (/ staff-height pt 22)
>      ))
> as documented (the staff-height matches the global staff size).  But all
> my non-Emmentaler text (titles, tempo, text markup...) has now shrunk,
> and looks wrong alongside the notation and dynamics text.
> Is there any way to enlarge the text globally?
> Thanks,
> Paul

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