On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 10:10 AM Knut Petersen <knup...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (x86)/LilyPond-2.23.4/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily/framework-cairo.scm:262:16:
> No such file or directory: "/dev/null"
> Background: ly:make-paper-outputter assumes that every backend will
> need an output file,  I thought choosing /dev/null would be ok as
> (most of) the output files are  created, written and closed directly
> by the cairo library.
> At least the calling convention appears only to assume that every
> backend will need an output _port_.  %make-void-port may fit the bill
> though I haven't checked.
> Yes, thanks, it does fill the need, at least on linux-64. Line 262 of 
> framework-cairo.ps should be changed to (let* ((port (%make-void-port "w")).
> New version in context of lines 261..263:
> (define-public (output-framework basename book scopes fields)
>   (let* ((port (%make-void-port "w"))
>          (outputter (ly:make-paper-outputter port stencil-dispatch-alist))
> Knut

With the above change, Windows LilyPond works fine.  I don't have any
complex source files to try, but I did try it on a Satie piece that's
-- at least -- unusual.

Knute Snortum

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