Hi Harm,
If possible send also the fonts used on your system.
Do you mean the output of
$ lilypond -dshow-available-fonts &> fonts
Of course not ;-)
Ok. Compile the test file without the cairo backend :
LANG=c bin/lilypond -l DEBUG filename_名字♯.ly &> nocairotrace
In nocairotrace you see the fonts that were used, e.g.:
Drawing systems...
Initializing embedded CFF font list.
Embedding CFF font `C059-Roman'.
Paper_outputter elapsed time: 1.09 seconds
Converting to `filename_名字♯.pdf'...
The font files that were not supplied by the lilypond installer are those of
interest (here: DejaVuSerif.ttf and sazanami-mincho.ttf).
After that compile with the cairo backend:
LANG=c bin/lilypond -l DEBUG -dbackend=cairo filename_名字♯.ly &> cairotrace
and send the fonts identified in the first rund and cairotrace from the second