
(I hope I don't start a discussion orthogonal to the actual topic:)

I don't think this is the right place – \laissezVibrer is not related
to repeats at all.

That's something I have been wondering for some time now: There seem to be two semantically very different ideas relating to ties to/from nothing, namely:

- as an articulation: Obvious for \laissezVibrer from the name, but might also be conceivable as some esoteric form of "dal niente" for \repeatTie

- as a special construction for ties cut in half by repeat barlines (which might also be needed for slurs and phrasing slurs, for that matter).

At the moment, \laissezVibrer and \repeatTie form a geometrically symmetric pair, so to speak, but the names are distinctly non-symmetrical, one name emphasizing the use as an articulation, the other the use in a repeat situation.

Wouldn't it, in the interest of semantically "correct" coding, more natural to have distinct commands

- for articulation: a pair of \laissezVibrer and (e.g.) \tieFromNothing

- for repeats: a pair of (e.g.) \openingTie & \closingTie or \tieToRepeat & \tieFromRepeat ?


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