> > Did you mean to use \laissezVibrer? >
Apparently that is exactly what I meant! Who knew? <off-topic> Okay, so here's a thing: I don't know this term (let vibrate), and if I did, I'm not sure how it would apply in this context (it's a tie, right?). There is an example in the Snippets under "Expressive Marks," but nothing in the main manual under "Expressive Marks" nor "Long Repeats," and I would have never found it. In such a complex and sophisticated world of music typesetting there are going to be lots of these kinds of things (don't get me started on lute tablature :-) ), which makes me so very grateful for this list and the helpful people here. Thank you so much for being willing to share your knowledge: it helps turn the impossible into the achievable! Thank you!