On Fri 30 Apr 2021 at 05:31:50 (+0000), Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > Okay, so here's a thing: I don't know this term (let vibrate), and
> > if I did, I'm not sure how it would apply in this context (it's a
> > tie, right?).
> Have you actually looked into the Notation Reference, section 'Ties'?
> A few paragraphs after the start of the section you can find
> documentation for `\laissezVibrer`!

It's ironic that \laissezVibrer follows on directly from \repeatTie
on page 57, but you might miss it if the name means nothing to you,
and the next illustration doesn't catch your eye.

> > There is an example in the Snippets under "Expressive Marks," but
> > nothing in the main manual under "Expressive Marks" nor "Long
> > Repeats," and I would have never found it.
> Hmm.  In the index there is
>   tie, in repeats
> which points to the right place.

Again, it's ironic that   tie, in repeats   points to page 155, and
the next entry,   tie, laissez vibrer   is at the top of the next
column (pointing to page 57). But when you turn to page 155, the
nearest mention of laissez vibrer is a hundred pages away.

Of course, the underlying problem is that the name \laissezVibrer is
used for two musically opposite effects, so it would obviously help
if the index entry   tie, in repeats   pointed to both \repeatTie
and \laissezVibrer.

> So please tell us exactly what index entries you were trying to look
> up, and which are still missing.  [Please use the Notation Reference
> for the current development version, 2.23.2, to do that]

The page references I gave above are for 2.22.0, the last version that
I downloaded as one big tarball. Now turning to 2.23.2, I see that the
irony is compounded: \repeatTie has moved to the bottom of page 56, so
\laissezVibrer isn't on the same page. However, the index entries do
point to the same area, which may or may not help if you don't know
the terminology.

But I couldn't help noticing that, if you use the Contents rather than
the Index, the lengthy section   § 1.4 Repeats   now doesn't cover
ties at all, nor does it point back to  Ties  (which falls under
§ 1.2 Rhythms   unconnected with repeats).

It would be hard to miss the connection if the two examples at pp56–7
were combined on one staff.

There's an oblique reference to \repeatTie on page 161 under
Known issues and warnings. Might this be preceded by a paragraph
on the use of \laissezVibrer and \repeatTie, with a pointer back
to pp56–7?

BTW I've been using the notation \creepIn for sixty years.
Pictorially, it's the reverse of \laissezVibrer. Fortunately for
users, LilyPond didn't catch onto the name before deciding on
\repeatTie. I see that others are searching for this notation:


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