Am So., 18. Apr. 2021 um 18:23 Uhr schrieb F M <>: > > Hi, > > I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you possibly knew how to center > align bar numbers over the first notes in a measure on new lines. > > In reference to the first attached screen cap, I'd like to see bar numbers 5 > and 25 centered over the first notes in the measures. I've been using a > Ricordi edition as a style guide. Please see the attached screen caps. In the > Ricordi edition, all bar numbers are centered over a measure's first note, > including those that begin on new lines. > > Currently in my work the bar numbers are aligned to the left of the time > signatures. I've not yet found out how to move them further to the right. Is > there a way to shift bar numbers horizontally but only in first measures on > new lines? Or perhaps there is another solution. Please, if you could share > anything I would highly appreciate it. > > Thank you, > > FM > >
Please ask the mailing-list, forwarding... Cheers, Harm