Hello, I want to transpose a song consisting of leadsheat and ukulele. It's my first song I typeset with Lilypond.
At least I get an output that shows the most parts. But I am not satisfied in some points. I hope you can give me some hints how to improve it. - There are a lot of warnings "No string for pitch #..." In the fret diagram I find damped strings. E.g. the first fret diagram Dm should show all for strings corresponding to the appendix A of the notation reference. How can I get the fret diagram with all for strings. - The chord Csus4 is written only as C4 (omitting the sus) in the original sheet. Even if the sus is correct in the sense of music theory, I would like to stay witht the C4. Unfortunately I didn't fount this in the NR. Any idea? - This distance between the last verse and the rythm staff should be increased. If there are other clumsy things in my notation, any comment is appreciated. Reagrds, Helge
\version "2.19.80" \include "deutsch.ly" \header { title = "SCARBOROUGH FAIR" composer = "Traditional" } global = { \key c \major \time 3/4 } chordNames = \chordmode { \global d2.:m s c4. c8:sus4 c4 d2:m c4:6 d2:m c4:6 f2. d:m s4 g s a2. s2 a4:sus4 d2.:m f s c4 f c f c2 d2.:m c2 c4:sus4 a4:m a:sus4 a:m d2:m c4:6 d2.:m } melody = \relative c' { \global d2 d4 | a'4 4 4 | e4. f8 e4 | d2. ~ d | \break r4 a' c | d2 c4 | a h g | a2. ~ a2 d4 | \break d2 4 | c2 a4 | a g f | e8 d c2 ~ | c2. | \break d2 a'4 | g2 f4 | e d c | d2. ~ d \bar "|." } verse = \lyricmode { Are you go- ing to Scar- bo- rough Fair? Pars- ley, sage, rose- ma- ry and thyme. Re- mem- ber me to one who lives there, _ _ she once was a true love of mine. } verseII = \lyricmode { Tell her to make me a cam- bric shirt Pars- ley, sage, rose- ma- ry, and thyme. With- out no seams nor nee _ dle work, _ _ then she'll be a true love of mine. } verseIII = \lyricmode { Tell her to find me an a- cre of land Pars- ley, sage, rose- ma- ry and thyme. Be- tween the salt wa- ter and the sea strands then she'll be a true love of mine. } rythm = { \improvisationOn \stemDown c4\downbow 8\downbow 8\upbow 8[\downbow 8]\upbow | 4\downbow 8\downbow 8\upbow 4\downbow | 4 8 8 4 | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 8 8 4 | 4 4 4 | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 8 8 4 | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 4 4 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 4 4 | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 4 4 4 | 4 8 8 8[ 8] | 2. } leadSheetPart = << \new ChordNames \chordNames \new FretBoards { \set Staff.stringTunings = #ukulele-tuning \chordNames } \new Staff { \melody } \addlyrics { \verse } \addlyrics { \verseII } \addlyrics { \verseIII } \new RhythmicStaff { \rythm } >> %%{ \score { << \leadSheetPart >> \layout { } } %} %%{ \score { << \transpose d a, \leadSheetPart >> \layout { } } %}