Here's a link to a recording,



From: F M <>
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2021 1:16 PM
To: <>; Jean Abou Samra 
<>; <>
Subject: Center align Bar numbers to first note in first measures on new lines

Thank you


Currently, I have bar numbers aligned to the right of the key signatures.

This is what I have at the moment:

MvmntIVoiceI = {
\override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #0.2
\override Score.BarNumber.font-series = #'bold
\override Score.BarNumber #'break-align-symbols = #'(key-signature staff-bar 
\override Score.Clef #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #RIGHT
\tempo "Allegro"

fis''4 r8 fis'' e'' fis'' g''4\AutoBarline
         fis'' r8 fis'' e'' fis'' g''4\AutoBarline
         fis'' r8 a'' b'' a'' d''' a''\AutoBarline
         b'' a'' d''' a'' g''4 fis''\AutoBarline
         e'' r8<>  \p a''8 b'' a'' d''' a''\AutoBarline
         b'' a'' d''' a'' g''4 fis''\AutoBarline
         e'' \revert Stem.direction  r4 a''16 g'' fis'' e'' d'' cis'' b' 
         b'8 b' b' b' b''16 a'' g'' fis'' e'' d'' cis'' b'\AutoBarline
         cis''8 cis'' cis'' cis'' cis'''16 b'' a'' g'' fis'' e'' d'' cis'' 

Note, I am using Denemo software.

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