Well it is a 'swash' font…

On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 7:27 PM David Rogers <davidandrewrog...@gmail.com>

> "Hugh S. Myers" <hsmy...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Mine (which I'm open to any and all not liking 😎 ) looks like
> > image
> If those letters were human, they’d each be wearing a fancy red
> dress. And also a fancy blue dress at the same time, with a big
> metallic-gold sash. And they’d have their hair in ringlets, and
> pinned in their hair they’d each have two peonies in full bloom.
> And every time you played the guitar, they would sing, in Spanish
> and Ukrainian and Igbo, each one singing all three languages at
> once, with different lyrics. And it would be strangely glorious,
> and for this you would be the envy of all your friends. Until you
> discovered that along with the dresses and the hair and the
> flowers, they’re vain and egotistical, constantly preening and
> showing off and trying to outdo each other, and once they start
> singing they won’t shut up.
> So it’s probably a good thing they’re just letters. :)
> --
> David Rogers

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