Sorry, that's probably total rubbish from me. C059 just seems to be
some free text font. The other font in the test PDF is just
Emmentaler, so I suppose it must be letters from there. [I have never
quiet figured out what simple tool there is to view Emmentaler font
glyphs - must be something around.]


On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 at 12:47, Andrew Bernard <> wrote:
> I asked what is the real question in order to find the use to which you
> want to put it, as there may be an easier way. I am no expert but I am
> sure you can embed snippets of lilypond scores in TeX works simplty.
> Anyway, making a test TAB PDF, the font used is CO59, and I see this is
> supplied in the standard lilypond distribution font directory.
> By the way, there are no silly questions on the list!
> Andrew

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