Mine (which I'm open to any and all not liking 😎 ) looks like
[image: image.png]

On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 4:52 AM David Rogers <davidandrewrog...@gmail.com>

> "Hugh S. Myers" <hsmy...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Close or not close. I'm the major audience, so all that matters
> > is do
> > I like it! That said, I'm a 'serif' kinda guy, so I'd have to
> > agree
> > to disagree about Helvetica ;)
> I lost track of this discussion - did you end up with a TAB
> graphic that you like? I’m a serif guy too, just not an
> all-caps-chancery-italic-printed-vertically guy. :) (Thousands of
> guitar players disagree with me on this one, so I don’t stand a
> chance.) As long as the score says what you meant, and the players
> (which might mean just you so far) aren’t complaining or confused,
> then nobody can say you didn’t do your job. But making it look
> great certainly has its benefits.
> --
> David Rogers

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