There's an old thread, where Thomas Morley came up with this script for
longer \espressivo marks.

\version "2.17.15" \language "english"

\#(define ((longer-script x) grob) (let* ((stil (ly:script-interface::print
grob))) (ly:stencil-scale stil x 1)))

scaleEspr = \#(define-event-function (parser location x-val)(number?)
\#{ \tweak
#'stencil #(longer-script x-val) \espressivo \#})

\relative c'' { c4 e f\scaleEspr #2 g | f e g f | }

This script however adds horizontal space before or after the note to make
room for the longer "articulation". Is there any way to prevent it from
doing that, for example by giving it more vertical space from the note?




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