That works great, thank you! FWIW, I added the override as a tweak to the \scaleEspr variable:
\version "2.20.0" #(define ((longer-script x) grob) (let* ((stil (ly:script-interface::print grob))) (ly:stencil-scale stil x 1))) scaleEspr = #(define-event-function (x-val)(number?) #{ \tweak #'stencil #(longer-script x-val) \tweak Script.padding #1.0 \espressivo #}) \relative c'' { c4 e f\scaleEspr #2 g | f e g f | } Regards, Martín. PS: For some reason the code I copied and pasted in the first message, was pasted with a backslash in every line. --