
I would like to ask a question about using Lilypond with Emacs. According
to the online documentation it is possible to use Lilypond with Emacs:


The problem is that I cannot get it to work and I would appreciate if you
could kindly give me a hand.

*My working environment*:

   - OS: Windows 10 (64 bits)
   - Lilypond version: 2.20.0-1
   - Emacs version: 23.3 (64 bits)

In Lilypond installation directory I found the following files:

   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\
   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\
   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\
   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\
   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\
   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\
   - D:\MyPrograms\LilyPond-2.20.0-1\usr\share\emacs\site-lisp\

What I did, was to copy all of these files in the following directory


This the directory in my *.emacs.d* configuration directory where I put all
*.el* scripts that are to be read and loaded by Emacs.

Once a Lilypond file (.ly) has been opened in Emacs, I run the following
commands respectively in order to enable Lilypond in Emacs:

   - M-x load-library lilypond-mode
   - M-x lilypond-mode

This gives me the syntax coloring, but that's all, and when I try to
compile the file by doing *"C-c C-b" (Lilypond-command-buffer) *I get the
following error message:

*-*- mode: compilation; default-directory:
"c:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Local/Temp/" -*-Compilation started at Sun Jul
26 16:07:03cd  c:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Local/Temp/; lilypond
"c:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Local/Temp/emacs-lily".lyThe filename,
directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.*

*Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Sun Jul 26 16:07:03*

However if I open a Windows command line (cmd.exe) and I copy/paste from
the above, the following line from Emacs compilation buffer:

* lilypond "c:/Users/MyUserName/AppData/Local/Temp/emacs-lily".ly*

When I run this command it works like a charm without any problem, it
compiles and produces the corresponding output PDF file. So I don't really
understand what's happening in Emacs while compiling Lilypond files.

Besides, I don't get any autocompletion at all for Lilypond in Emacs.

So if anyone has succeeded in running Lilypond with Emacs in a Windows
environment, I'd be so grateful if you could kindly make some clarification
and indicate what's wrong with my configuration.

Thanks in advance.

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