Le 27/01/20 à 23h27, Aaron Hill a écrit :

> On 2020-01-27 11:13 pm, Denis Bitouzé wrote:
>> Thanks for this interesting information.
>> I must admit I'm far to be an expert in Midi and synthesizer areas. I'm
>> using a Linux box (Mageia 7) and Timidity to listen the Midi output.
> I have little experience with MIDI on Linux, as my music work has been
> entirely Windows-based.
> A quick web search turned up something that might be useful.  On the man page
> for timidity.cfg [1], there is an option in TiMidity++ called "altassign".  It
> seems to be used to configure these exclusivity groups for specific drum kits.
> Perhaps you just need to configure this option to get the damping behavior you
> need.
> [1]: https://www.commandlinux.com/man-page/man5/timidity.cfg.5.html

That does the trick: many thanks!

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