On 2020-01-27 11:13 pm, Denis Bitouzé wrote:
Thanks for this interesting information.

I must admit I'm far to be an expert in Midi and synthesizer areas. I'm
using a Linux box (Mageia 7) and Timidity to listen the Midi output.

I have little experience with MIDI on Linux, as my music work has been entirely Windows-based.

A quick web search turned up something that might be useful. On the man page for timidity.cfg [1], there is an option in TiMidity++ called "altassign". It seems to be used to configure these exclusivity groups for specific drum kits. Perhaps you just need to configure this option to get the damping behavior you need.

[1]: https://www.commandlinux.com/man-page/man5/timidity.cfg.5.html

-- Aaron Hill

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