Le 27/01/20 à 17h45, Aaron Hill a écrit :

> On 2020-01-27 12:27 pm, Denis Bitouzé wrote:
>> the following drum partition has (semi-)opening hihat. In the Midi
>> output, the resonance of this hihat is not stopped, even if followed
>> by an explicitly closed hihat.
> It is usually expected that synthesizers implement drum note
> exclusivity groups, which allow only one of the group to be playing at
> any given time.  The three standard hi-hat notes (42=closed, 44=pedal,
> 46=open) often form one such group.  So if the tail of an open hi-hat
> is not being cut off by a subsequent closed hi-hat, that may indicate
> a problem with the synthesizer itself or whatever patch is loaded.

Thanks for this interesting information. 

I must admit I'm far to be an expert in Midi and synthesizer areas. I'm
using a Linux box (Mageia 7) and Timidity to listen the Midi output.

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