My song compiles fine without errors (now). But I get no lyrics in the .ps or .pdf file
I am using version 2.2.6.
Following is my source file. I realize there may be some major problems with it. That comes from trying every example that I can to get something that works.
Thanks for your help.
% Generated automatically by:
%{ options are intertext="with the following output:" relative 1 singleline verbatim %}
\paper { indent = 0.0\mm }
\score { \notes \relative c' { \time 4/4 \clef treble c8[ e] a[ b] ~ b a4 a8 c,[ e] a[ b] ~ b a4. \tupletUp \times 2/3 {r4 d d} d c8[ b] a[ a] fis[ g] ~ g4 r4 r e8[ e] e[ e] b'[ c] b4 a r r8 a a8[ a] r4 a8[ b] a[ a] a8[ gis] fis[ gis] gis4 r r1 c8[ e] a[ b] b a4 a8 c,[ e] a[ b] b a4. \tupletUp \times 2/3 {r4 d d} d c8[ b] a[ a] fis[ g] g4 r4 r e8[ e] e[ e] b'[ c] b[ a] b[ a] r2 r8 a a[ a] a4 b8[ a] a8[ gis] fis[ gis] gis4 r
\lyricsto "" \new Lyrics \lyrics { So8 -- plan los vien4 -- tos, las8 hue -- llas se pier4 -- den,4. Solo4 hay mon -- tes4 con su8 so -- le dad4 }
} \paper { } }
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