Mats helped me tremendous with a "tamtam" mode. I now redefine notes like:
drumPitchNames = #'( (t . lefttenor) (T . righttenor) (b . bass) (B . rightbass) ) #(define mydrums '( (lefttenor default "marcato" 2) (righttenor default #f 1) (bass cross "open" 0) (rightbass xcircle "stopped" -1) )) I encountered strange problems (which were before on this list I believe) that PDF output could not be found. It seems this was caused by a undefined note (I tried to use r for rest, but it was not in the list). After define (r . rest) and (rest rest) it worked. Two other questions: 1. can I force stem up or stem down in the defitions above? 2. can I include a fixed liric for each note? I would like to have T (righttenor) to have stem up and "T" below the note, likewise t (lefttenor) stem down and t above. Again thanks a lot for helping, Quintijn _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list