Did you look at the templates linked from http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.2/Documentation/out-www/ ?
Especially, the template called melody-lyrics.ly looks well suited for
your example.

The point of \lyricsto is that you are able to specify exactly what line
of music you want to attach the lyrics to, even if you have polyphonic
pieces. More specifically, you have to include a
\context Voice = "somename" { % Here comes the music }
where you explicitly define the name (here "somename") of that music
voice. Then, you can use \lyricsto "somename" ...

If you upgrade to LilyPond version 2.4, the lyrics support is slightly
improved. For example, there is a command called \addlyrics that
automatically adds the lyrics to the upper voice of the score so you
don't have to explicitly specify a name yourself in simple scores.
Also, the documentation has improved significantly in 2.4 and even
more in the latest development version 2.5 (I recommend you to stick
to the stable version 2.4, though, even though you might find it useful
to take a look at the manual for 2.5 from time to time since the syntax
hasn't changed much from 2.4 to 2.5).


dpeach wrote:
I had trouble finding anything in the list archives that helped and I have read (I think) every piece of documentation on inserting lyrics that is on the website.

My song compiles fine without errors (now). But I get no lyrics in the .ps or .pdf file

I am using version 2.2.6.

Following is my source file. I realize there may be some major problems with it. That comes from trying every example that I can to get something that works.

Thanks for your help.


% Generated automatically by: lilypond-book.py
%{ options are intertext="with the following output:" relative 1 singleline verbatim %}

\paper  {
  indent = 0.0\mm

\score {
  \relative c' {
  \time 4/4
  \clef treble
  c8[ e] a[ b] ~ b a4 a8
  c,[ e] a[ b] ~ b a4.
  \tupletUp \times 2/3 {r4 d d} d c8[ b]
  a[ a] fis[ g] ~ g4 r4
  r e8[ e] e[ e] b'[ c]
  b4 a r r8 a
  a8[ a] r4 a8[ b] a[ a]
  a8[ gis] fis[ gis] gis4 r
  c8[ e] a[ b] b a4 a8
  c,[ e] a[ b] b a4.
  \tupletUp \times 2/3 {r4 d d} d c8[ b]
  a[ a] fis[ g] g4 r4
  r e8[ e] e[ e] b'[ c]
  b[ a] b[ a] r2
  r8 a a[ a] a4 b8[ a]
  a8[ gis] fis[ gis] gis4 r

  \lyricsto "" \new Lyrics \lyrics {
  So8 -- plan los vien4 -- tos, las8
  hue -- llas se pier4 -- den,4.
  Solo4 hay mon -- tes4 con
  su8 so -- le dad4

  \paper { }

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-- ============================================= Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe =============================================

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