Am 19. Oktober 2019 11:56:58 MESZ schrieb Thomas Morley 
>Am Sa., 19. Okt. 2019 um 05:22 Uhr schrieb Andrew Bernard
>> I have not seen anything get added to lilypond proper for a long
>> I may be wrong, but it's immensely difficult to get changes to core
>it would seem. Fair enough too. That's why openlilylib exists.
>Nothing against openlilyib or the LSR.
>$ git log --oneline --since=1.9.2019
>8ba40d3d69 (HEAD -> master, origin/staging, origin/master,
>origin/HEAD) Issue 5571: streamline cat | sed | sed
>75b16466ef Issue 5564: fix conversion warnings in beaming code
>2d45d5247e Drop requirement for python-devel
>a6a6f019a9 Fix header variables from musicxml2ly on Windows
>fa6c70e39a Issue 5567: allow slurs instead of brackets with tuplets
>cd11e1d06e Update python headers to match surrounding files
>b7532cf6e6 Issue 5568: make build output terse by default
>5674d4570d NR: add snippet to describe
>058c7347c1 Improved and updated.
>c95d96aa71 Typo.
>d9555cda14 Issue 5565: simplify python-related makefiles
>2f1649830b Issue 5559/4: fix regression (ambitus with ottava)
>6f319a862d Issue 5556/3: make OttavaBracket text default bold
>608aa55988 Issue 5559/2: add regtest
>476194c706 Issue 5559/1: Add user-definable ottava markups
>7e6a956625 Issue 5561/5562: slurs work without NoteHead stencil
>2c2908c905 Issue 5563: make edges of brackets dashable
>09bc2e2ed7 Issue 5560: remove
>7930d8777e Issue 5558/2: NR: various minor corrections
>3064ac9d3d Issue 5558/1: NR: add many index entries for snippets
>1d255547ba Run scripts/auxiliar/
>9bef63308f Issue 5557: Remove spurious '% begin verbatim' in
>71c4990e47 run-and-check: Display correct log file directory.
>c2b424f9f8 Remove old
>ab3b23941f Issue 5555/3: TimeScaledMusic should not be
>eed07c3e54 Issue 5555/2: add_post_events: check for time-scaled-music
>4402d6c545 Issue 5555/1: reorder checks in add_post_events for
>0457814df4 string-tunings-init: Fix typo in Banjo tuning.
>1d3105fce4 run-and-check: Show output directory in case of error.
>a6f8381ea4 stockhausen-klavierstueckII: Completely rewritten.
>be39d353b7 Rename `Stockhausen_Klavierstueck2' to
>805e6ef94c Completely revised.
>89036755a7 Replace by SourceForge
>e926c294e3 Issue 5553: fix handling of @lilypond[verbatim]
>227fac3a04 We now need texinfo 6.1 or newer.
>b2799c1823 Issue 5552/2: NR: complete revision of all index entries
>714792a1eb Issue 5552/1: HOWTO.index: new guide for creating index
>1eed54e8ff Issue 5551/2: improve generated documentation
>2165edafc5 Issue 5551/1: better indexing support
>is not exactly what I'd call nothing ;)
>> But in fact, while I think this is neat code, I personally strongly
>disapprove of underlining, single or double, being a dreary minded
>classical typographer myself, and underlining is generally frowned upon
>anyway in fine printing (maybe music is not fine printing?) So I would
>not actually want to see this encouraged, even though I can see people
>have uses for it.
>I don't understand your point.
>\underline is a markup-command for text. I think every
>text-typesetting-program has this functionality. Why should we
>disencourage it?
>Speaking only for myself I use underline pretty often in educational
>typesettings and have used it in some serious contemporary
>music-typesetting as well (composer's request).

Underlining is considered a less-than-ideal form of emphasis in typography 
because it usually causes collisions with the descenders.

That said, I don't think we should not provide it in LilyPond. There *are* many 
valid use cases for underlining, and copying from a source us only one of them.
OTOH text typography isn't LilyPond's strong suit anyway ...


>  Harm
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