I have not seen anything get added to lilypond proper for a long time. I
may be wrong, but it's immensely difficult to get changes to core it would
seem. Fair enough too. That's why openlilylib exists.

But in fact, while I think this is neat code, I personally strongly
disapprove of underlining, single or double, being a dreary minded
classical typographer myself, and underlining is generally frowned upon
anyway in fine printing (maybe music is not fine printing?) So I would not
actually want to see this encouraged, even though I can see people have
uses for it.


On Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 04:21, Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:

> Why not add it to lilypond proper?  I think that we would want to be
> careful about property names (perhaps with an underline-details property to
> minimize namespace pollution), but I think it would make a great addition
> to Lilypond.
> Carl
> *From: *Urs Liska <li...@openlilylib.org>
> *Date: *Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 3:19 AM
> *To: *Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com>, Thomas Morley <
> thomasmorle...@gmail.com>
> *Cc: *Pierre Perol-Schneider <pierre.schneider.pa...@gmail.com>, Aaron
> Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com>, lilypond-user <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Double-underline markup
> Please go ahead Andrew. In OLL this should be a submodule below
> oll-misc.text.
> Best
> Urs
> 17. Oktober 2019 11:16, "Andrew Bernard" <andrew.bern...@gmail.com
> <andrew.bern...@gmail.com?to=%22andrew%20bernard%22%20%3candrew.bern...@gmail.com%3e>>
> schrieb:
> Now this is great. I can volunteer to put this in Openlilylib if all you
> authors do not object. Perhaps somebody can make and LSR snippet also. I
> personally find OLL much more convenient. but I accept arguments in favour
> of LSR also. Can go in both.
> Andrew
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