On Sun 16 Dec 2018 at 11:05:05 (-0700), Reggie wrote:
> Urs Liska-3 wrote
> > one thing you will have to accept is that the segment approach you're
> > after will not save compilation time of the score as a whole. What it can
> > do is give you a handle to compile only small chunks or "segments" at a
> > time *while editing*.
> > 
> > I'm only on my mobile phone so I can't go into detail now, but you should
> > clarify if that is what you mean or if my comment shows you that you were
> > hoping for something that doesn't exist.
> Urs hello this is 100% what I am desiring to save on small chunk segments
> compile times during editing. I am aware and OK with of course having to
> wait in the "end" when the full score needs to be compiled :)) I am
> interested in how to create segments as I go along and the piece gets longer
> and I compile segments as NEEDED during editing yes yes. Can you at your
> convenience help in this thread with how segments work I feel so stupid.

I think you may be after tagging.


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