On Sun 16 Dec 2018 at 13:17:19 (-0700), Reggie wrote:
> David Wright wrote
> > On Sun 16 Dec 2018 at 11:05:05 (-0700), Reggie wrote:
> >> Urs Liska-3 wrote
> >> > one thing you will have to accept is that the segment approach you're
> >> > after will not save compilation time of the score as a whole. What it
> >> can
> >> > do is give you a handle to compile only small chunks or "segments" at a
> >> > time *while editing*.
> >> > 
> >> > I'm only on my mobile phone so I can't go into detail now, but you
> >> should
> >> > clarify if that is what you mean or if my comment shows you that you
> >> were
> >> > hoping for something that doesn't exist.
> >> 
> >> Urs hello this is 100% what I am desiring to save on small chunk segments
> >> compile times during editing. I am aware and OK with of course having to
> >> wait in the "end" when the full score needs to be compiled :)) I am
> >> interested in how to create segments as I go along and the piece gets
> >> longer
> >> and I compile segments as NEEDED during editing yes yes. Can you at your
> >> convenience help in this thread with how segments work I feel so stupid.
> > 
> > I think you may be after tagging.
> Hello I am not looking for tagging I use tags for certain things but in this
> case as I've said now I am interested in the segment that Urs is clearly
> talking about. I understand now that it's not in the documentation. Thank
> you. I know skipping music is available but that is not what I am looking
> for thank you. I hope Urs or someone can clearly show how this segment works
> now that I hope we finally arrived on the same page :)

Then another possibility is what is referred to in
which is for making standalone files which can be compiled together
as one unit to make a book of parts. But I don't see the usefulness
of that for saving compilation time when the separate files don't
consist of individual works. Surely it's easier to just protect the
includes by using % in front of them when you don't want them compiled.

%% This is the main file
%% Stuff that needs to be defined everywhere:

LP source lines here

% include "parta.ily"
% include "partb.ily"
 include "partc.ily"
% include "partd.ily"
% include "parte.ily"
% include "partf.ily"

%% Probably some \score command would be defined here

\score { … }

%% End of mail file

That file would compile just the section C. What the June 2018 person
seemed to want was to be able to type

lilypond partc.ily

and have that produce a score of just that part. That requires
thinking carefully about how the "LP source lines here" gets
included in this case.


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