Hi Reggie,

> I am not talking about what Kieren said in the lilybin that's mere simple 
> combining parts into score file

You apparently missed the fact that I concatenated two halves of each part 
(violin and cello) and recombined them later. (*IN ADDITION*, I combined them 

I took segments of a violin part and combined them to make a whole part — 
whether or not you realized it, that demonstrated exactly the problem what you 
were trying to solve.

Just to make it explicit, I broke the two scores up: http://lilybin.com/mkleo5/3

Warning: You may find Lilypond difficult to work with if you don’t have the 
wherewithal to take simple examples (q.v. the first version I provided on 
Lilybin, as well as hundreds of similar examples in the docs and elsewhere on 
the web) and combine and/or extrapolate them to solve the exact problem(s) you 
want (q.v. the version now on Lilybin).


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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