Hi Werner,

> +1.  I've *never* seen an ambitus except at the very beginning of a piece.

I often use an ambitus in front- or end-matter, to give vocal ranges separate 
from the score itself. Of course, "front-matter" can be interpreted as "the 
very beginning of a piece", but I think of it as entirely separate from the 
piece — and end-matter is definitely not "the very beginning of a piece".

Not trying to battle semantics — just giving a use case, and putting forward my 
concern that any changes to the Ambitus engraver shouldn’t eliminate the 
possibility of using it somewhere other than the "traditional place" (i.e., 
immediately to the left of the first measure of a vocal staff).


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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