Where would you expect the Ambitus marker to show up if you do not
want the staff to appear in the first system?
First entry? I am not sure that the interfaces the Ambitus_engraver
exercises would allow to make that difference, but if they did, this
would be a reasonable expectation. Though probably rather hard to
implement, given how late in the typesetting stage "empty" staves get
Yes, that's probably the only sufficiently reasonable place to expect it.
But: It seems to me that the whole point (or, at least, the most
important application) of the Ambitus indication is to enable users of
the score to judge the tessitura "at first glance" (even though, of
course, for a reliable judgement one would have to look at the actual
music in more detail). This application is somewhat hindered if one has
to look for the right system containing the first entry of a voice first.
So, to be honest, I'm not sure whether trying to make the
Ambitus_engraver compatible with hiding empty staves would be worth the
effort, especially if (as you say) that effort would be large.
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