Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> On 24.04.2018 22:02, foxfanfare wrote:
>> I missed
>> more exemples in the huge "Internal Manual"!
> I don’t think any will be added, for two reasons:
> The technical reason is that the Internals Reference is auto-generated
> from the program code, so possibilities to manually add stuff are very
> limited.

That's actually the killer reason.  There are a few places where
documentation strings get drawn into the manual, and those documentation
strings can be used more and less tersely.  They should be verbose
enough to be useful which may include examples (examples take up a whole
lot of space so one needs to carefully consider whether they are worth
the imprint).  However, stuff like grob properties are often "generic"
and can hold for quite a number of different grobs, partially getting
interpreted in somewhat different manners.  Specific examples for those
are likely not covering typical use cases well enough.

> The other reason is that that’s not what the IR is for. It’s not
> intended for learning, but for continuous reference to those well
> familiar with the Learning Manual. I always found these relations
> between the different manuals pretty well explained in the LM.

There may still be some missing ground between the various manuals.
It's not easy being significantly better though.

David Kastrup

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