Hi Peter,

> The music I'm trying to transpose isn't mine. I downloaded it (quite 
> legally!) from CPDL. I therefore have no control over which Lilypad version 
> it is.

Of course you do: use convert-ly (as I did) to update it automatically.
That's one of the great benefits of open source music.  =)

> I want to transpose the entire file up by 4 semitones (from f to a).

The attached is an updated and transposed score. Note how I've put
   \transpose f a
on line 1004. That's all that was required**.

Hope this helps!

** There are MANY, MANY improvements I would make to the source file, if I were 
serious about making this file maintainable. I just mean that in order to solve 
your particular [transposition] problem, only the one command was necessary.

Attachment: Lassus_Osculetur_me.ly
Description: Binary data


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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