Kieren MacMillan wrote
> Hi Peter,
>> I have a piece of choral music in 8 parts. It's too low for my choir to
>> sing, so I want to transpose the entire piece up from the key of F to the
>> key of A.
>> I asked an almost identical question in November and the first answer I
>> received worked. Unfortunately, it doesn't work this time, perhaps
>> because the score is formatted differently. 
>> As a mere musician, I'm afraid many of the answers I received last time
>> were too technical for me to understand, so I'd be really grateful for
>> simplicity in responses. 
>> I'm enclosing the file, just in case someone wants to fix it for me.
> That's great… except it's 
> such an old version
>  of the application, I can't compile the file.
> Your code formatting/structure makes it *
> very
> * difficult (at least for me) to quickly figure out what’s going
> right/wrong.
> .......
> Note that the *only* difference between the two scores is the
>   \transpose c d
> immediately before the ChoirStaff (or GrandStaff, or whatever the
> outermost <<>> construct is in your score) in the second score. That
> single command transposes the entire score (i.e., everything inside the
> <<>>), as desired.
> Hope this helps!
> Kieren.

Whoa, I must have been in auto-pilot copy/paste /open file/ mode because I
didn't even see it was 2.14 - wow that's quite old indeed.

Thanks for giving us that mini-snippet transpose guide example, Kieren -
that's very helpful!

composer | sound designer | asmr artist 
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