Hi Sven
I did this to use as a template for notate some multiphonics in a piece for
flute. I added one more hole to match your instrument. It is not a function
yet, you have to write all each time you use it, but can be turned into one by
someone with more skills.
\version "2.19.80"
multiF = \markup {
\left-column {\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##f}
\left-column { \draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##f
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##t
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##t
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-line #' ( 1.3 . 0)
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##f
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##f
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##f
\vspace #-0.5
\draw-circle #0.5 #0.2 ##f}
{c'4 ^\multiFa}
I hope it will help you.
James Correa
Composer - guitarist - sound designer
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Custom woodwind-diagram
> Local Time: November 21, 2017 1:58 PM
> UTC Time: November 21, 2017 3:58 PM
> From: sven.axels...@gmail.com
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Hello list.
> I would like to create fingering instructions for an eight hole wind
> instrument. The usual way to display these fingerings would be to have the
> thumb hole at the top, slightly offset, and the other seven holes in the
> center column of the diagram.
> I have not really tried to do anything yet - the woodwind diagrams look
> terribly complicated to customize. There was talk about including fingering
> for recorders on the list some time ago, did anything come out of this? If
> so, I could probably start there.
> Thanks,
> --
> Sven Axelsson
> ++++++++++[>++++++++++>+++++++++++>++++++++++>++++++
> +++.>-.<<++.>>----.<++.>>>++++++.<<<<.>>++++.<----.
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