Hey there!
I created the diagrams eons ago and I agree that the implementation is really 
difficult to understand. I'm sorry for that. Can you send me a photo of what 
you're trying to typeset? I'll see if I can help you out.

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-------- Original message --------From: SoundsFromSound 
<soundsfromso...@gmail.com> Date: 11/21/17  6:49 PM  (GMT+02:00) To: 
lilypond-user@gnu.org Subject: Re: Custom woodwind-diagram 
Sven Axelsson-3 wrote
> Hello list.
> I would like to create fingering instructions for an eight hole wind
> instrument. 
> I have not really tried to do anything yet - the woodwind diagrams look
> terribly complicated to customize. There was talk about including
> fingering
> for recorders on the list some time ago
> -- 
> Sven Axelsson
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user

Hello Sven,

Two things:

First, as you mentioned, here is an older thread that has some good
information about recorder fingerings...

Second, what version of LilyPond are you using?

Here is some documentation from 2.19 that also could help you, perhaps?

composer | sound designer | asmr artist 
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