On 08/11/17 01:52, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
>     Why? That would only make sense if you used the same variables in
>     different scores and wanted to transpose all of them
> I answered the question that was asked.
> And it makes sense: to transpose music, you use the \transpose function.

This is true, but I think what Simon says is that it is better to leave
the music definitions in concert pitch and transpose the choir staff
only, which is a single << >> music expression.

Transposing every definition does work indeed, but it is a potential
source of problems for reusing that music (maybe in another
transposition) unless you want the music definitions transposed at
origin once and forever, for some reason.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
paconet.org , csmbadajoz.com

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