Am 07.11.2017 um 17:54 schrieb
I have a piece of choral music written in 7 parts. It's around 80 bars long.
It's in the key of F major, which is too low for my choir.
I'd like to transpose it up 3 semitones to A flat major.
I'm new to Lilypond and the syntax gives me nightmares. I read the manual's section on transposing and now have a headache. Please could someone either give me an idiot's guide to how to do this, or amend the enclosed.

Please always (try to) give a minimal working example. This could something like the following for choral music:


\version "2.19.80"

\new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff { \key f \major d' } \addlyrics { "blah" }
  \new Staff { \key f \major c' } \addlyrics { "blah" }


You can transpose the whole score by simply adding the \transpose command before the music. This will transpose pitches and key signatures:


\version "2.19.80"

\transpose f as \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff { \key f \major d' } \addlyrics { "blah" }
  \new Staff { \key f \major c' } \addlyrics { "blah" }


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