Am 04.11.2017 um 22:55 schrieb Karlin High:

I think this feature shows great promise. Further exploring this is high on my LilyPond 
to-do list. But at this point, getting set up for the mkvideo features seems to me like a 
"void your warranty" operation.

Probably it is, although you should not notice any difference if patching 
succeeded and you do not use the extended syntax.

I have not tried it, but I think patching will fail with lilypond versions 
containing my postscript changes for ghostscript 9.22 ... (git commit 
398c2e17d45bf4d, applied to master 2017/20/03).
The 2.19.65 release should work.

Follwing Knut's instructions, I was able to get the Wolf_Resignation video produced, but none of my own projects yet. Knut? This thing really needs a Tiny Example. Could you make a video project with just a C-major scale or something? I love looking at other people's lilypond code for picking up tips and inspiration, but in this case my mediocre lilypond skills got drowned while trying to understand all the different \book outputs at the end. I couldn't easily tell which code was needed for video projects and which was just the Knut Petersen standard for coding style and project structure.

The visual part is first defined in one book, it contains a \layout but no midi 
\block. \pdfforvideo is the significant keyword here that must be used 
immediately after that book. The script expects that exactly one book is marked 
with \pdfforvideo.

\book {
    \bookOutputSuffix "Partitur-Video"
} \pdfforvideo

Then there are 6 more books defining different audio tracks.  Each of those books contains a \midi but no \layout block. \midiforvideo is the significant keyword that must be used immediately after every book that is intended to define an audio track. The script accepts an arbitrary number of books marked with \midiforvideo.

    \bookOutputSuffix "Video..."
} \midiforvideo
The script makes the silent video defined in the book marked \pdfforvideo and 
the audio tracks defined in the boos marked \midiforvideo, then it combines the 
video with the audio tracks so that we have the desired six videos with 
identical video streams but different audio streams.


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