Hi Knut,

On 21 July 2017 at 09:00, Knut Petersen <knut_peter...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> To generate score videos like Bach: Invention 1, Wolf: Resignation and
> Peterson-Berger: I Fyrreskoven
> that give a different color to notes and rest while they are active you
> might use the attached files if
> you run a unixoid system like linux.

This is a very interesting approach - thanks a lot for sharing!  I
particularly like the highlighting of notes currently being played.

Two questions:

1. Please can you put the source files in a git repository and publish
it somewhere (e.g. GitLab.com), to reduce barrier to collaboration?
2. Would it be possible to generate video which is perfectly
synchronised with a live performance with variable tempi?


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