On 07/23/2017 03:56 AM, Knut Petersen wrote:
I got some font errors during the lilypond compile: "warning: no
glyph for character U+9F in font [...] ./texgyreschola- [*]"
(Square brackets with placeholders for brevity.) Looks my setup is
choking on the German ß sharp-S thing.
Lilypond handles utf-8 characters, and the texgyre fonts include
those characters. Your font setup seems to be seriously broken.
No, more likely the input. Character U+009F is a control character
(application program command). The input was probably made in a Windows
text editor; 9F is Ÿ (Y with umlaut). Make sure the file is saved as
UTF-8 or run it through a converter, and you’ll likely have better results.
Chris Maden, text nerd
<URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
Emperor Norton had the right idea.
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