> ...We want the LilyPond as input to our workflow that produces eBooks...
> Interesting. Are there any samples available online, to preview and get an 
> idea of what's expected? Say, on Amazon with their "look inside" feature.
> And, eBooks for music scores... I've dreamed of making eBook hymnal versions, 
> and wondered if it's possible to use SVG in eBook formats. I'd expect that 
> would be better suited to scaling than JPEG. Could you comment about any 
> findings you've had on the feasibility of this?
> --
> Karlin High
> Missouri, USA


We aren’t using SVG. We are using PNG files generated by LilyPond. Rather than 
scale the images, we generate them specifically for tablet sizes. The Android 
tablet eBooks are sized differently than the iPad eBooks because of the 
different aspect ratios of the devices. You can see that if you compare the 
same score on Amazon and on iTunes.

We also build scores for our Android application, ScoreMaestro. The eBooks we 
have produced are a subset of our ScoreMaestro inventory. If you have an 
Android tablet, you can download ScoreMaestro (it’s free) from either Amazon or 
Google Play depending on whether your tablet is a Kindle Fire or another 
Android tablet. Once you download the app, you can download a score free to try 
it out from within the application.

ScoreMaestro (see http://www.scoremaestro.com for more details) is a complete 
score management application. You can display scores in two sizes and in either 
portrait or landscape mode. Score pages are rendered to fit the 
size/orientation combination. One advantage of ScoreMaestro over our eBooks is 
that you can annotate your ScoreMaestro scores. These annotations can also be 
shared, for example with other members of a choir.

Let me know if you have other questions.

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